Mother’s Day, 2022

Mother’s Day, 2022

God made a wonderful mother and He gave her to me! 
It’s an amazing thing how my mother gave love, guidance, support and mostly made me feel like I was the most important daughter in her family. Now, that’s a gift because I have sisters and I know they also felt it. 
She gave it all without asking for anything in return. 
And I believe without her, my soul would never have taken flight. 
Oh yes, she could set me straight and then set me free. 
And although my dear sweet mother is no longer here in the flesh, I see her in the glistening grass, in the birds that visit our yard, in the stars above and most definitely in the light of the moon. 
This time of year is so special as the rebirth of nature shows us all her grandeur. I feel my mother’s presence in the new flowers and plants that need tending to. 
There is a sense of calm and peace. 
I remember my mother telling me, there are no rules to gardening. That takes away the joy of it. So yeah, I experiment with my plants and lessons are learned. 
There is not a day that goes by that I wish my mother was sitting on the patio with me and Riley.    
And yet I know that she is well. I know that she is happy with me and that our connective essence remains. 
She reminds me that her love and devotion is unselfish and endless
Happy Mother’s Day, momma!