Mothers Day, 2023

Mothers Day, 2023

Dear Momma, you are truly God’s gift to me. I have some of the best memories growing up because of yours and papa’s unconditional kindness and love.
You are definitely my super hero.
I know our souls are always attached. And even from heaven, I feel the warmth of your heart.
You have always taken good care of me.
You leaving this earth put a hole in my heart that I never thought would be healed. And although it might have taken some time, I know now our time on earth together remains part of my soul and without you I wouldn’t be who I am now. I look out at the flowers, birds and beauty all around and feel your presence.
You are one of the most selfless people I have ever known. No wonder you were chosen by God.
And yes,  there are still times when I cry because I want to see you. I want to hug and kiss you.
I want to make dinner and a have a drink with you. Not being able to –  is one of the worst feelings, ever.
Death changes everything. Time changes nothing.
I still miss your voice, your stories, your presence. That’s why I know time changes nothing.  I still miss you as much as the day you died.
I miss you.
So I bow down and pray because I know that it’s because of your soul that our home feels a little bit of heaven.
I love you Momma.
Rosemary and Riley too.