Moxie Monday

Moxie Monday!

Could it be my morning coffee …… could it be the cooling temps, (like really cooling temps) on this Monday in June …… could it be our early morning walk …… could it be because our neighborhood received a little rain from the storms that were in town last night but none of the hailstorm within it ……
Sometimes life is so full of love that my soul tank indeed, runneth over!
Nothing better than to wake up with Riley’s furry paw tapping me and willing me to open my eyes to start our day. Why yes, sometimes I am thinking, ‘why doesn’t he sleep in a bit’ but then his soul speaks to mine and reminds me to get my moxie on!
And then my spirit sizzles.
And it’s not from the blast of sun and heat …… oh no, it’s from the love that is within!
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What’s that …… oh, just my gratitude goals that are growing and glowing.
On days like today I am reminded how important it is to make deposits into my body and spirit bank. So much of life will take its withdrawals and many we have no control over.
So gratitude is my shield of choice.
Plus I think when I was a baby my momma dropped me in a bowl of pink glitter and ever since …… I am just sparkly. Ha!
My friends have always said’ You glow girl’!
And yes I agree …… the proper term for ‘senior’ women should be ‘Queen – agers’.
That’s all, carry on!
It’s Moxie Monday.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.’ Proverbs 3:5-6.