Mum-tastic Monday

Mum-tastic Monday!

Doesn’t get much better than that. Another beautiful Fall day and it makes me just come alive. The energy levels are at record high and it’s only Monday.
Nothing but good news here, for sure.
Of course the Cowboys delivering a win yesterday- Bonus!
God’s is definitely not done with me.
The story is not all written yet.
Strong heart, open mind and a soul on fire!
Oh the light is on. His faithfulness never leaves. I am reminded every day of His power that resides in me and you.
Just like Autumn, I may stumble and fall but always rise again.
Self-confidence, yep thats one of my super powers. Oh this girl has many. We are perfectly flawed human beings. And I believe we must continue to spread love and kindness. And when you spread kindness it does amazing things to you and your body. Yep, things are calm and so relaxed.
Hey, we all need it. It’s a crazy world with so much upheavals happening to our planet. Reminds  me that we are all different and yet the same. When you connect with your heart and spirit, it changes you.
Oh the power of grace and kindness.
It’s Mum-tastic Monday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for all your grace, kindness and love. May I stay in the light and shine on. Amen.