My Ataraxia

My Ataraxia

There are some days when my Mizpah is so strong with my momma. There are many things that me and my momma share, one is definitely the love of gardening. We also agree;  sitting, rocking and enjoying the seasonal blooms  …… is so darn ‘Lagom’.
This is definitely a special time for me and Riley.
You know: game set, match!
Oh His amazing grace is stored in me.

It’s like my mind, body and soul have been reset!
Truth be told, my (ours) eyes have such limited sight. My strength and sight must come from God’s spirit.
And His grace accomplishes this.
When you have tasted freedom, peace, contentment and rest that God brings alone through  Jesus Christ, it will definitely leave no question whether it’s worth it or not.
Call me out of touch or crazy but I know it’s from above.

We all have our own frequency. (Our soul) It’s our light, our own signature. Our energies come in many flavors, for sure. They are our expressions.
And yes, I work at my vibrational existence, constantly.
I believe it’s important to find your own. It’s important to love ‘self’. And no, not in the selfishly kind of way. Although, even negative attributes of self is important to recognize.
How can you truly accept yourself otherwise.
I believe abundance is a state of feeling. Where you start is where you will end.
So yeah, start with the abundance of spirit!
We are born brilliant and the light within!
Soul-fulfilling attainment; unconditional tranquility.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie