My Beloved Sister, CoCo

My Beloved Sister, CoCo
What can I say that will ever describe my beautiful sister, CoCo. She filled the room with her smile and laughter. She never met a stranger who wasn’t left feeling just a little bit happier after chatting with her.
When she and her family moved to Florida, part of my family followed her. Yep, one of the best decisions I ever made. What do you call someone who gives unconditional love and generosity; I call her my sister, CoCo.
I have come to realize that nothing can prepare us for losing someone we love – nothing.
But I do have special memories and now they are my treasures and will always be a part of me. Our beach vacations will always be cherished, even more so now.
And just like Sleeping Beauty, she will rest until our fates align.
If you have a sister, than you know; sisterhood transcends life.
There is a vacant spot in my heart and yet I know that even the distance between heaven and earth will never stop the bond between sisters.
Our family chain is broken now and nothing seems the same but I know that as God calls us one by one,  our chain will link again.
And although my heart is broken,  I believe that our life has many journeys and holds so many facets …… and this earth is only one.
Dear sweet CoCo, I will carry you in my heart, until I see you again.