My Monday Pocket

My Monday Pocket

How big is your pocket? 
After a short trip to my sisters, we are back home in our own little quiet pocket. 
Some have big pockets that might stretch for acres. 
Our little pocket is right outside the back door. It’s filled with things that bring an automatic smile to my face and warmth to my soul. 
Some by nature and some by my own hands. 
Not that I am some fancy gardener but I will definitely toot my own horn because one of my favorite places I love hanging out is outside our back door; our own little pocket!  And the birds and butterflies seem to always return. Not sure why, but we have a more generous amount of butterflies this year, me likey!
Many prefer the noise and hustle of people, buildings and such. Of course a couple years of being forced in, leaves some longing for the chatter and clamor prior to Covid. 
Not me! 
I retired right before Covid hit. Yep, made me a little nervous but after all, things seem to work out, don’t they. 
I am fortunate that the sounds from my neighbor’s waterfall stretches to our little pocket! 
And when many are planning their summer getaways, I am dreaming of quiet relaxing days surrounded by colorful beauty where no reservations are needed and I can stay as long as I like! 
It’s the place where my ears are not bombarded with ever increasing pings of voicemails, text messages, email alerts and at times …… ceaseless chatter. 
Oh don’t get me wrong, nothing like a little family/friends time to catch up and share stories. And yet it’s the ‘noise'(s) of the world that can also be the disturbing element that affects our quality of life. 
I know for me, the practice of quiet actually expands my mind. It stretches my thoughts way beyond and yet at the same time is so comforting. 
For many, getting away from their home and work brings them closer to quiet. Although, truth be told, you can attain ‘quiet’ anywhere! 
The first glass of iced sun tea and the art of standing or sitting still …… oh yes my bones are soaking it all in. 
It’s my cup runneth over in our little pocket. 
Oh some may think that quiet people are too passive. It’s actually being ‘Present’. 
And so so good for your soul. It’s also proven that the benefits of quiet does lower blood pressure, lower cortisol levels (that ugly stress hormone), and provides improved concentration. Oh there is even more. 
So yeah, quiet can be found anywhere near or far. 
The depth of quiet is all up to you. 
There are times when my handy binoculars are near by and some nice tunes are playing in the background. There are times when the sounds I hear are the leaves waving from the spring breeze, the pitter patter of the squirrels running across the fence top and the birds singing in perfect harmony. 
And then there are many times that I hear even more layers of sounds. The longer I am still the more I hear life’s recordings. 
It’s my Monday Pocket! 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie