My Sunday Love

💛 Sunday Love 💛

It’s quite unbelievable when I think how much our lives have changed due to Covid19. We are one day away from celebrating Memorial Day and I never thought that our ‘shelter-in-place’ would still be ongoing. Back in March, I, like many thought it would last a few weeks …… not a few months.
And as businesses start to re-open and people start to emerge, I know that we are changed. I will look at the positives and I most definitely see the hope and grace of God as I see our world regain itself. Many will never be the same because this season has made us look at ourselves and everything around us differently.
Tomorrow my thoughts and prayers will be honoring those who have served in military. But for today, my prayers and hope is for everyone; because we are all serving and caring for each other. A phone call to a friend. Family chat time. Making meals with each other and yes spending maybe just a little more time with some than we want …… teehee!
Freedom is like oxygen for me and if I am honest, I don’t necessarily think about it, because it is something I just have.
On this Sunday before Memorial Day, I remember a sacrifice made and a debt I cannot repay. EVER. Today, I pray for the God of heaven to bless the families of those who have lost loved ones from  this pandemic.
So as we continue to shelter-in-place and honor social distancing, it might feel as if we will never get back to our normal lives. I don’t think we ever will, at least as we did before Covid19.  So I choose to view what will become our new normal, as a new enlightened life. I still believe that I will get to see the faces of friends and family up close and personal, feel their hugs and kisses and visit places as we did before and beyond.
On this Sunday, I get to see another day, I get to  breathe in fresh air and see nature bloom, I get to see the love between strangers and the kindness of the human race. I get to spend time with my precious Riley. I get to talk and seek God’s guidance and wisdom and yep, I get to witness the goodness of God all around.
This is a special weekend for many reasons. As people begin to visit places they have missed for months, my hope that the strength, dignity and respect we Americans hold dear will shine bright and we show Love to one another.
Not one of us wants to live in fear of an invisible enemy, and we don’t want our country to crumble. But to beat this crisis, we may need to balance individual liberties with collective sacrifice. That doesn’t come naturally to us, but we can do it.
💛 Sunday Love 💛

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie