My Sunday Prayer

My Sunday Prayer

Prayer has always been a constant in my life, and during this current health crisis
I believe prayer is one of the most sensible and human things to do; it can encourage, enable and empower.

In addition to praying for my own health and well being, I pray for those who must provide ‘essential services’, for those whose age or compromised immune systems that make them vulnerable and to the many who have already suffered from this pandemic.
I pray for all the most affected by our constant changing conditions. Parents of school children, wage earners and service providers who face loss of income, families that have members in hospitals or nursing homes who are no longer allowed to visit them.  I pray for our world’s national, state and local governments who are making very difficult decisions. I pray for many industries that must weather shortages, shutdowns or even solvency.

I pray not just to return to normal …… but a ‘new normal’. I believe we will be even better. I believe I/we will discover new hope, joy, love and appreciation for praying, teaching, reading, listening to music, the blue skies above, the stars that sparkle at night and the life all around us that resides in our homes and right outside of our own back doors.
I pray for health to triumph over this disease. I pray for order over disorder. I pray for compassion over conflict. I pray for community over division. And I pray for reason & calm over panic.
I pray now and always for others who are struggling and the unimaginable good to result when this crisis is over.

Peace be with you.

Soulpilotgirl & her
Co-pilot, Riley