My Treasure Thursday

My Treasure Thursday
Oh my, it’s like my oxygen levels are in overdrive today!
From the first cup of Brew (as in java) this morning on the patio to the delicious Cabernet tonight.
So many treasures.
And of course, my co-pilot Riley has been by my side through it all. He is one of my most precious treasures, for sure.
You know that feeling that starts in your toes and runs all through to the top of your head and all you can do is bow and thank the One who creates it.
Some days I am more aligned.
And yeah, this is definitely one of those days.
It’s a summer vibe for sure.
And it just never disappoints!
I should keep it to myself, but I just can’t. There is definitely a feeling of joy that fills my heart – like the oxygen levels are in overdrive!
It’s the little things in life that are taking me over. And I like it.
The universe of truth.
Oh this is where overwhelming happiness resides. It’s in me and you. The wonderful ability to cleanse and find the truth inside.
Truth has many different ways to fill us;  God, Buddha, etc. (Scriptures) And they all say ……. God is within you, Buddha is within you, etc.
Watch it, once you tap into it, you will see it leak through every aspect of your life.
Oh yeah, the light is on ……
And no, this is not the Cabernet, (or maybe it is) Ha! Wait, let me pour you a glass,
because,  I won’t take it back, my oxygen levels are in overdrive this Thursday evening and that is a true treasure!

Co-pilot, Riley the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for your love, it’s my treasure just like a gold mine. Amen.