National – All is Ours Day!

National – All is Ours Day! 

C’mon people – take today to appreciate all the beauty of nature around you. TBT, I do this everyday, for sure, but if you need a little reminder …… go for a walk with your fur baby, take in the wonderfulness of this glorious planet we get to call home. 
Sit out on the patio, visit a local park, roll down the windows and open the sunroof and sing as loud as you want but mostly do not take nature for granted. 
I love that the birds are chirping in the mornings again. Finally coming out of hibernation. 
You might not have everything in your life but you have something in your life that brings joy; this is the day to appreciate those things. 
It’s different for everyone and yet the same. 
What the heck, I am already singing and haven’t left the house, is that why Riley went running to the other room, Ha! 
Well he can’t escape a little dance time with me, no matter how he tries to hide. 
He is lucky I do not own a microphone …… come to think about it, so are my neighbors! 
There is joy running through my veins today even before our walk. As I step out on the patio this morning and see the squirrels, the birds and the plants all thriving – I believe! 

This is truly a special season, whether you are spiritual or religious. I can feel the positivity coming back. We have been through a tumultuous couple years and still have obstacles to overcome and yet the hope I feel inside knows we can overcome them. 
I believe. 

There are so many more wonderful days ahead and memories to make. 
Make today one of them! 
Blessings from our home to yours. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, You make everything possible in you. I believe. Amen.