National Red Wine Day

🍷 National Red Wine Day! 🍷
Oh I know …… we are expecting temps in the 100’s this entire weekend (egads)
but anywho,
why not raise a glass of yummy red today.
Oh yes, my day is about to get even better!
I know my superpower …… I can make wine disappear, so what’s yours?
Now c’mon …… that was a little funny.
And no, it’s not the red wine …… it’s the @*-;=‘§ temperature.
It always happens, I am so ready at the end of each season for the next to begin. Fall is tugging at my soul, for sure. 
Today, we throw out all those stuffy rules about how and when to drink this smooth nectar of beauty. 
Oh yes, what a little (or a lotta) red Sangria will do, to cool off in this summer heat, and while I am at it, I will toast to the 100’s with a loving but can’t wait to see you go salute!
Fall will be here soon with so many recipes to try.  But for now, on this National Red Wine Day, I will savor every drop! 

Step aside Water …… this is a job for Red Wine. 
Wine me Up! 
Blessings from our home to yours. 

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie