National Spoil Your Dog Day

 🐾🐾 Woof Woof 🐾🐾.
It’s National Spoil Your Dog Day!
Precious Riley got me up with his gentle paw-tap this morning and I wondered ……
Does he know ……
My Riley gets spoiled everyday for sure, but I love when we get reminders to extend some special love to our furry companions, and so today y’all be sure you give them a special treat, a new toy, a little spa treatment, a game of chase, (maybe all of  the above), woof woof and top it off of course …… with lots and lots of hugs and kisses.
I don’t care that some may think dogs do not liked to be hugged, (Whatever)….. because my Riley gets them every day and he loves them.
Woof Woof
So go ahead, hug your dog, give them all the love in your heart.
As for this girl; I know that the sunshine I receive everyday is not only from the sky above, it most definitely comes from the eyes of my Riley.
And yep,  I believe …… some angels choose fur instead of wings.
Woof Woof, I love you my sweet Riley.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie
