Nature Feeds Me

💐 Nature Feeds Me 💐

This season of life is most definitely historic. While we continue to live with this pandemic, there is one thing that I am sure of …… I will survive.
During this unusual season, the beauty of nature all around continues to feed my soul. The glorious colors sing to me. Time outside alone with nature has always been special to me, (of course Riley by my side). Time outside never fails to bring a sense of  wonderment and love to the One who makes it all possible, God.


My perspective has changed, especially as I have been able to spend time outside doing, absolutely nothing …… just being!
Nature tells me to look up, look around and look down …… the perfectness of nature …… it’s all there. From the green grass that is getting brighter with each passing day, to the white puffy clouds skimming along their blue blue background, to the trees that sprout new leaves like arms reaching up and out and back up again.


As I continue to live in this season of the coronavirus, spending time outside with nature has taken on a profound meaning. Nature persists, and it’s part of my soul and part of my home. And while this pandemic leaves no one untouched, and we all are grieving in some way …… for a loved one who has died, for the pressures of financial strain, for the loss of routines and habits that used to define our daily lives, I believe that in times of grief, nature can be a comforting presence. Thank you God.


Nature has an open invitation …… it will touch your soul and lend it’s hand that will forever connect the beauty that lives within you to the rest of the world.

💐 Nature Feeds Me 💐

🏡 Blessings from our home to yours 🏡


Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie