No Rain No Flowers


No Rain No Flowers

You know how much I love flowers, so when I know there is pending rain ……


I mean a lot of it ……

I remind myself that No Rain No Flowers!

Now you know me, I do tend to look at the bright side of everything ……

Like rainbows!

Rain helps to remove the dust from everyday life and,

rainy days are truly a gift for readers!


I did not use to see the goodness of rain ……

Yep, I got so hung up on ……

My car getting wet, dealing with slick roads, my hair getting wet, my makeup might run, my clothes getting wrinkled oh the list would go on and on and on……

Funny how life changes you!

I have figured it out ……

Fall down and then pick yourself up, it’s like finding the beauty in Everything!

The beauty of rain means so much to me now,

I feel the rain …… and don’t just get wet.

I don’t wait for the storm to pass, I dance in the rain.

God is showering me with his love.

Let the confetti color my world.

You know that bottle of wine I’ve been saving for a rainy day ……

Life is beautiful, rain or sunshine.

So yeah, this is the girl who use to complain at the first sign of rain ……

well no more!

Now c’mon, you recognize me, don’t you ……

Yep, that’s me, 25 plus shipping and handling!

Have a Blessed Friday.


Riley the Scottie

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