Oh December

Oh December

So much to give thanks for.

It’s kinda hard to believe we will be wrapping up another year soon. Looking forward to attending Christmas service this year. The last couple years, its been on-line for me and I look forward to going with family.
And to think we only have eleven more nights of Christmas tree sparkling in our house. (Yep, I am one of those who starts taking it all down the day after Christmas) I have friends who like to keep theirs up till after news years and whatever tradition works for you is perfect!
I remember growing up with real trees and our parents usually didn’t want to take it down right away. I’ve been enjoying ours since right before Thanksgiving and everyday it still brings so much joy to my heart.
This month if anything reminds me to give thanks for; is a little baby born in a manger, who sacrificed His life, brought heaven to earth to transform our lives.
I hope your heart is refreshed in the joy and wonder of this special season.

Peace, Joy and Love from me and Riley.