Oh My Sweet Saturday

Oh My Sweet Saturday
When we opened the patio door this morning …… we really did not believe we were still in Texas, Dorothy!
After some heavy thunderstorms yesterday,  this is definitely a sweet and much cooler Saturday for May.
Me likey and so does Riley.
Perfect weekend for convalescing indeed.
I love making breakfast. It’s the perfect kickstart to the day.
Afterwards coffee and patio time is a must.
A little plant time and rearranging on the patio …… my soul is at peace.
What’s that …… a jar of sun tea brewing …… obvi, Ha!
Oh there is healing happening.
And yes I believe if the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives; dogs would outlive all of us.
Sometimes I wonder how each day is even better than the one before when I get to hang out with Riley. He might not have been born from me, oh but he was born for me.
On this glorious Saturday; music playing and Riley sleeping nearby – priceless!
Oh My Sweet Saturday!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for another magnificent day with my Riley. He is on the road to recovery and all I can say is ‘hallelujah’ and thank you. Amen.