Our Serene Summer Saturday

Our Serene Summer Saturday!
Nothing like an early start to the day …… my Riley alarm was set to 6:01 am. Oh but I wouldn’t change a thing.
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Plus,  it’s better to get some things done before the day heats up, and a mighty heat wave is upon us and she be staying for a while.
You wouldn’t know it by looking at my plants. Boy, do they bring a smile to my face. So after my first cup of ‘joe’, (second one coming  for sure), and I take care of a few domestic science items, I hear the patio and backyard calling my name.
As I walk around giving all my plants a healthy dose of watering (Riley watches under the fan on the patio, such a smart boy) …… why yes,  I talk to my plants. I most certainly give them a ‘pep’ talk and thank them for their endless beauty and endurance.
They feel the love, for sure.
Summertime is an amazing time. Magic happens all around!
The Spring season can be a tough act to follow and yet here it is …… Summer!
So many great things about it;
shorts, tank tops, flip flops or barefoot because otherwise I am overdressed!
And pool days with my sisters; beyond!
(of course we use sun screen)
I could never in 100 summers get tired of it!
A healthy hearty breakfast, a second cup of hot ‘joe’ and now the window seat in our zen den is calling for us.
Our Serene Summer Saturday launch has started.
Joy is not coming, it is HERE!
There is eternity in each moment.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, Thank you for your unfailing love. Your blessings and goodness. Help me be a good steward and to sow wisely. I choose to rest in you. Amen.