

                                                                  (All is well with my Soul)

Oh yeah, decided to get myself off the patio and out for my morning walk. And half way through …… oh the sprinkles turned into a nice heavy summer downpour.
Me likey!
And once again, a jog sprang out of me, (inside I hear the chant – you go girl).
Love it!
I am bringing my own sunshine out today. A ‘giddy-up’ in my step, of course after I take off my squishy socks and shoes,  teehee.  But the coffee tastes soooooo good and what a way to start the day.
There is such an amazing feeling when I feel aligned. It’s hard to put it in words, it’s definitely a feeling deep in my soul. It’s like the rain brings out the poetry of the day.  The rain drops have their own little sparkles, and at the same time can be so soothing and hypnotic.
Am I a dreamer …… dear me …… my secret is out!
Wishing you a day of rain drop sparkles!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie