Pluviophile Monday

Pluviophile Monday

From sitting inside and watching the rain to sitting out on the patio and watching it rain, on this Monday morning.
Some are getting way too much but here it’s been a welcomed sight.
What is it about rain gazing …… a sense of peace and calm. Well at least while it gradually soaks in and doesn’t cause major flooding, of course.
Oh my little backyard is so happy right now. And my sprinklers get a much needed break, for sure.
As Riley and I sit here, (oh he is a rain gazer too), I see a brave little squirrel running along the fence top. While most are tucked in, he seems to enjoy the wet stuff too. And as I indulge in my second cup of brew this morning, it’s like the rain is touching my soul. The cloudiness of the morning begins to darken the environment.
The rain brings on a cleansing to the earth and to us. It’s the white-noise of the universe showing us to slow down, relax and enjoy.
It’s wiping the slate clean!
When we are fortunate to have a gentle rain, there is a rhythm unlike no other. When blessed with a stay-at-home rainy day, beyond words!
Summer temps are not quite gone for us and yet today’s rain reminds me of the cozy Fall season in our future.
It might just be time to light a few candles inside and snuggle with my bestie for a while. And who cares what month it is, I see some home-made chicken chili on the menu today.
Oh yeah, rainy days also stirs the ‘cook’ in me. And of course my secret ingredient is Love, Butter!
As we end this rain-filled morning and venture inside, I think it calls for a little music and dancing by candlelight.
Oh, Pluviophile Monday, you’ve ignited my soul!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie