Protect those Paws

šŸ¾šŸ¾ Protect those Paws šŸ¾šŸ¾
As the winter months are here, itā€™s always a good reminder to those who have pets to heed the call …… Protect those Paws!
Just like we need to practice winter wellness, our family pets depend on us to do the same for them.
Know their limits; petā€™s cold tolerance varies from pet to pet. It doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t take our furry ones on a daily walk, just be wise. Riley loves our daily walks in the neighborhood, we just may wait a bit until the sun warms up the day and the temperature starts to rise. If itā€™s cold for me, itā€™s cold for him too. Ā And when itā€™s just too darn cold, we stay in.
Here in Texas where we live, we rarely get snow, but even on cold days itā€™s important to check his paws making sure he has nothing stuck on them and to be sure there are no cracks or bleeding. (And yes, I do lubricant his little pads, even warm summer months can dry them out)
Riley doesnā€™t really like or need to wear a sweater or coat but I have them, just in case!
And be sure their collars and leashes fit and are in good condition. Riley has a tag with contact info and of course is microchipped which provides a more permanent means of identification, and I keep hisĀ registration up to date.
Provide shelter; this one is a sensitive spot for me. Riley remains in our home and of course loves playing in our fenced-in back yard. I know that many prefer to keep their pets mainly outside. Itā€™s impossible to keep them warm if their shelter is not off of the cold concrete with warm bedding and remains out of cold winds. And you know what, they can easily get dehydrated when their water bowl freezes.
In other words, donā€™t leave your pets outside for a long period of time.
If you are blessed to have a family pet; be responsible.
ā€˜Donā€™t treat animals like animals. Treat them as living beings; that is what they are.ā€™
šŸ¾šŸ¾Protect those PawsšŸ¾šŸ¾
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie