Ready Set, LEAP

Ready Set, LEAP!

Happy Birthday all Leaplings.
Of course by now you already know why we have leap years every four years …… so let’s leap on!
We have an extra day, so many things to do with it ……

I take a ‘leap of faith’, because the awe of the Lord is so overwhelming to me. I am not stepping out in faith today …… nope I am leaping into it.
Oh yes, I will rejoice for this day annnnnnnd leap with joy.

There is something special today, IDK , but my heart is about to leap out of my chest.
So much purpose in this life, thank you God.
This season in my life is so special.
Like starting this day not with a step but a leap …… a big leap out of bed this morning! I think Riley thought I broke a hip …… teehee!
My faith continues to grow, not by chance …… by Choice.
Smiles and love all day!


Co-pilot, Riley the Scottie