Remind me, it’s almost Spring

Remind me, it’s almost Spring!
No, I am not at some sandy beach resort …… I am in Texas where we are having unprecedented freezing temperatures with more ice and snow on the horizon.
What the *’-§^.”
Oh, I hang on to the only source I can, God.
Because I know that Spring always follows Winter. And I know many are thinking;  myself included, that it’s hard to hang on to hope with frostbite hands, power outages and the brutal elements of winter like snow drifts in places that I never wanted to see.
I pray for His grace.

I will not allow these elements to define who I am.
With all the uncertainty of last year, it seems that some of it has most certainly carried over to this year. And yet as I look outside as the sun is trying to make an appearance, the icicles stubbornly hanging on and my little Riley’s unwillingness to step outside, I am reminded it’s almost Spring. I know my plants and trees are wondering if winter will ever end and the thought has crossed my mind but I pray to God for fresh reminders of His love and grace and small mercies to sustain me until the bigger mercies arrive.
There will be more winters after this one, more seasons of uncertainty, sorrow and cold. But I choose to trust that there will be a spring for every winter, a hope for every despair. I pray for grace to journey through these seasons again and again, as many times as necessary and the grace to see every winter through the eyes of hope.
I am not praying for Spring to come before it’s time, I am just asking that He teaches me to cling to a hope that right now feels far away.
To remind me what Spring feels like, because although hopelessness times do come and go with each passing season, they have never been the end of my story.
I pray to God for a heart that rejoices in the delights and sorrows of each passing year, and a heart that grows warmer with every winter it endures.
I pray to remind me, it’s almost Spring.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you that this winter of ice and snow will soon give way to another glorious spring and summer of sun and beauty.