Sacred Space Sunday

Sacred Space Sunday

Right outside my back door.
It’s the morning ritual;  coffee in hand, Riley by my side and the sounds of …… well not a whole lot!
Oh the little creatures of summer are still asleep.
And of course Sundays are just the best!
So much to give thanks for …… for sure.
The daily practice of gratitude reaches deep into every aspect of my life.
There is so much drama and conflict in our world that I believe everyone needs a place, a sacred place where they can ‘just be’.
It’s so grounding.

And on this Sunday …… a healthy breakfast, Sunday church service and some family time …… so beyond excited!
We all have light inside of us. We all are invaluable. And yes, unfortunately, we all have some type of drama and levels of conflict in our lives.
Which of course leads me back to having a sacred space. A daily meditation/prayer ritual, a vacation, a sabbatical …… whatever works in your life because it’s all about ‘tuning out’ the noise of the world and finding the benefits of your own light.
Watch out, the glow from inside will emerge.
Wishing you a special Sacred Space Sunday.

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for providing me the strength to remain hopeful in this noisy and turbulent time. Please continue to give me the vision and discipline to always find my sacred space and connect to myself through you. Amen.