Sassy Sunday

Sassy Sunday
Waking up to a glorious summer rain shower, woot woot!
You know that feeling, you wake up giving thanks and the sass keeps rolling!

When I catch people staring at me, I believe they are taking notes on how to be awesome’.
‘Let me call you right back – translation- Enjoy the rest of your day’.
‘Sometimes I look at people and think, Really …… thats the sperm that won’.
‘When social distancing is over, lets not tell some people’.
‘Grow up, be a unicorn …… and stick somebody with your head’.
‘My emotional support animal is a chicken …… a 4 piece with a biscuit’.
My early 20’s …… if I am in bed by 3am, I’m good and now it’s 8:30 …… we can’t start a movie this late’.
‘Have faith in the Pfizer vaccine, they also make Viagra …… if they can raise the dead, they can save the living’.

‘You might as well pronounce the ‘L’ in salmon …… nothing matters anymore’.
‘Hey remember that you can’t make everyone happy …… you are not tequila’.
It’s Sassy Sunday
‘Now let me pour you a tall glass of Get Over It …… and oh, here’s a straw To Suck It Up’.
Sassy …… yep I sprinkle that *$§”*@#+  on everything!
Because I wish common sense was common.

I speak fluent sass. I’m not for everyone!
It’s a glorious Sunday, I got enough sass for the entire day!
Watch, Learn or Leave!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie