Saturday Album,December 9th

Saturday Album, December 9th.

What’s in your album of life today?
I know for some, there is a hate/love relationship with December and Christmas. It can get too easy to get lost in overdrive; endless plans, cooking, baking, gifting, decorating, drinking, oh the list can go on and on.
So be careful this month, because holidays are to bring a sense of joy and thanks.
It’s important to make memories of course and yet they need not be felt with dredge.
Nobody else can gauge your level of energy which is why it’s so important that you do!
A quiet, gentle morning by the Christmas tree, coffee in hand, Riley nearby ……
all month long! (Well pretty much every day, minus the tree of course) 😉
You must do You!
Our morning walk was fantastic. A bit chilly and I should have worn my hat but the sun and breeze definitely felt good.
After a plate of pancakes with warm maple syrup, my album for today is looking full of sugarplum!
As I mentioned yesterday, our weather is about to turn more like winter temps and although the sun is out, that north wind is a blowing.
Thank goodness we had a backyard fire last night before those winds kicked in. And this month’s cocoon season is about to commence!
I love it and I will be finally able to put Rileys sweater or coat on for our walks, my little drummer boy!
Oh there will be candy canes, candle lights, plenty of spirits and much love and faith filling our home today and everyday this month.
I think that is what is so special about December and Christmas.
The things we do and enjoy are special because they are only here for a short time.
So don’t lose sight of that.
Make it a winter wonderland for you and your family full of old and new traditions that will become memories never forgotten.
Now that’s an album worth creating!
Wishing you a day full of happiness as we all sleigh closer to the true spirit and reason for this most magical and glorious Christmas!