Saturday, December 2nd

Saturday, December 2nd!

This month is all about making new memories! I will never forget the old memories and traditions and yet, let it be about celebrating new ones!
Of course some things never change like the first lights that are turned on each morning Β is our Christmas trees. Yes, Riley has his own tree.
His breakfast is served and then coffee begins to brew. You know, some traditions will forever be savored.
A yummy breakfast with classical Christmas music playing.
And Bible time before sitting outside on the patio. What a blessing life is.
This morning as the squirrels ran across the fence top, we just watched as they ran up trees chasing each other. Riley is in total chill mode. He watched them very intently and yet did not move.
We all enjoyed the chilly morning, giving grace.
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I get a weekly real estate email about new homes that are listed for sale. And I do love reading it, mainly because I love looking at how people decorate their homes. Of course some are staged and yet many are filled with people lives. Big or small, old or new homes, I enjoy looking at the pictures. And then as I am sitting in my favorite chair next to our Christmas tree, I look around and tell God, how grateful I am for our home. I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
It’s not brand new, it’s not too old, not too big and not too small. It’s filled with our life experiences and it’s home on this heavenly earth.
It warms my heart and leaves my soul brimming with gratitude.
🏑 ❀️ 🏑
And of course having family close by is a bonus!
Oh, it’s definitely another ‘pinch me’ kind of days.
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I know that this month can be hard for some. Life is hard. It has a way of crashing into us in good and bad waves. And believe me, when life is good it is easier to be grateful, and when life hurts it can become hard to churn up the thankfulness, it’s less natural.
Which of course is why we must then turn it up, not for everyone but for ourselves. We must be intentional; keep it alive in ourselves.
I (you) will continue to experience waves of good and bad in this life. And yet, the one thing I know, is that Gratitude is a fierce weapon. It’s a weapon against what the enemy wants to use to destroy us. He wants us to give in and give up. He wants us to sink into hopelessness.
So, we must be relentless in seeing all that is good.
It’s not living in ‘rose-colored’ glasses, (although mine are definitely sparkling this month), no, it’s knowing that the flame of hope, Jesus, lives inside of me (you).
His word is my personal love letter, my guide that amps up my gratitude. It’s a compass to guide my heart.
I know I am never alone.
We all have things that must get done, bills to pay, responsibilities are never ending and yet the biggest responsibility we have is to ourselves.
Gratitude – sometimes easier to talk, harder to practice. Gratitude begins at home.
Gratitude is a very practical expression of love.
The four most important doors in our home that we have access to is: Joy, Peace, Purpose & Hope.
Gratitude is a powerful weapon and the fruit in our lives. Never stop planting the seeds of thankfulness in your home and feel the fruit of gratitude in every breath you breathe.
It’s December 2nd,
oh what a glorious day God has provided.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie