Saturday Love

Happy Saturday y’all!

Oh yes, sometimes I just have to go to that quiet place …… like right outside my back door!

There is something about starting a new day, watching the sun rise and just waiting on all of God’s creations to show themselves.

It provides the perfect space to focus on life. Of course everyone will go through tragic circumstances yet this place provides the perfect backdrop to honor the hero I am. Oh some may say it’s boasting, yet I see it differently.

I give all the credit to God. He provides all my strength. He has saved myself and my soul and reminds me of who I am and not what I have been through. I believe he has transformed me.

The new narrative for my life was created, all by His guidance.

As I spoke with a dear friend recently, it reminded me to focus on my journey. We both share very similar events in our lives and have so much to give to each other. Love, support, kindness and mostly a friendship that we can count on.

Stillness & Simplicity …… it’s an inside job for sure!

You know, focus on the good.

By His wounds, I am healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

I know that I cannot control people, plans and yes, even circumstances in my own life, so I lean on His love and guidance and mostly the path he provides. He sends His angels to be at my side, always always.

Every good and perfect gift, is from above. (James 1:17)

I can never express enough, how grateful I am for His love and grace and yes, all the messengers He sends to comfort and walk with me through this magical life.  They remind me to worship only Him.

I wish for you a Saturday full of love.

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie