Saturday Post

Saturday Post

I believe in my heart and know in my soul that God did not give us a spirit of timidity and fear, but of power, love and self-discipline.

There is a building of faith, peace and love that seems to teach me something new every day.
Spending time with family brings joy, laughter and love. It’s fun to create new memories and share old stories.
Spending time alone in prayer and worship brings love, joy and peace and a deepening of my faith. As I read scripture and meditate on His words, there is a pouring of my heart and an illumination into parts of my life.

It’s pure delight!

As this world seems to get more chaotic, I run to Him for guidance and encouragement. His words settle any uneasiness caused by the outside world. He teaches me to be happy and content with all the many blessings in my life.
Oh, I hold tight to the eternal life He gives to me and to all.

His teachings are so powerful and simple ……
Always be joyful, Never stop praying, Be thankful in all circumstances.
Now c’mon how simple is that.

Spending time with family & friends, laugh and love each other;  this is a recipe handed down from our parents.
I have one life to live and I want God to know, just how much I need Him and thank Him for it!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie