Saturday Post

Saturday Post

There is something special about coffee out on the patio. I am so happy that our early mornings still require a light sweater, oh it won’t last …… it’s Texas!
And on some mornings when I splurge on a 2nd cup …… well, life …… just feels great!
Yep, this morning & every morning, I thank God for …… everything!

We have rabbits in our neighborhood and there is one little guy (well he has most definitely grown a bit) that visits my backyard often. I have named him, Hank. As I opened my bedroom blinds this morning, Hank was sitting there licking the dew off the grass. Oh but wait …… Riley made his appearance and Hank was off to play in the neighbors yard.
It’s the little things, for sure!
My back yard and patio are small compared to many in Texas but they are a little piece of heaven on earth for me. I have always been a ‘homebody’, even before retirement. I get great joy from falling in love with my home every day. Each year as I add to my garden;  new plants and flowers I feel energized by working in the dirt! There is something about watching your plants bloom & grow. Any gardening lover will tell you, we will experience our share of ‘oops’ that little sucker just doesn’t like her new home. I have one shrub that I have transplanted maybe just one too many times …… she is still hanging on but time will only tell if she makes it through another Texas summer.
And then we get to ‘applaud’ when a new member joins our garden and seems to thrive! Now that is worth ‘insert happy dance’ all the sweat and sometimes back aches that come along with a gardener’s life.
I wouldn’t change it for anything.
It takes love, dedication and commitment to grow a healthy garden. You know, remove weeds and pest, (not Hank or any member of his family) and give it the attention it needs.
You know …… like tending to your inner-self garden.
I plan on filling my mind with thoughts of love and blessings for myself and others. I dig deep within, using tools that I have available like my bible or listening to Christian music to fertilize my mind.
As the seasons change, so do my gardens. I get to plant new seeds and expand the beauty outside as well as the beauty inside.
What are you waiting on …… go start your beautiful rainforest!
I wish you a lush and healthy Saturday,
Saturday Post!

Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie