Saturday Post

Saturday Post

I am not sure if I have ever sat outside on a July afternoon under the patio and enjoyed it, like really enjoyed it. And yes, I am in Texas and I said it before …… this July is a keeper!
Instead of ice tea, I am enjoying another cup of hot coffee, what a treat.
Oh it’s a reality …… when you have eyes to see it!
Like the little white feather in my backyard this morning, true story!
There is such a natural order of life.
There are special moments when everything is put into perspective and leaves nothing but clarity and peace.
Oh how I wish for you to capture it, drink it all up and illuminate your souI. I spend a whole lotta time with Jesus. The effect He has on me …… more than words, for sure.

I need God in every single moment of my life.
And yet,  there have been times when I think to myself, oh why didn’t I come up with that or do that ;  and now I know …… things come when they are suppose to come.
So yeah, no regrets, for sure.
I have never been one to look for outside approval and the great thing about getting older and (a’hem) wiser, is that trusting in God is all that matters.
…… Insert funny quote ……
(‘It aint what they call you, it’s what you answer to’, W.C. Fields). 
But then again, I say …… don’t even answer, just keeping doing You! 
In my many years of working outside the home,   I found out real quick;  everyone has an opinion,  just like you and I.
Let them have theirs.
Seriously, I quit counting how many times I have fallen, I am proud of how many times I have risen! 

So yeah, I am singing and dancing on this beautiful Saturday.
Nothing going to take my Hallelujah!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie