Saturday Post

Saturday Post
Oh there is a lot of music playing and a little dancing happening in our home today!
Yeah, it’s quite cold and drizzly but most definitely warm and toasty inside. Our future is bright, says the weather guy with sunshine showing up tomorrow.
Thank goodness.
I love me a little hibernation but she has over-stayed. I will not be sad to say goodbye.
I am so ready to see the sights and sounds of Spring.
Good thing there is always a little Spring in my heart. It never diminishes – no matter how long and hard the winter season lasts.
You know like a river running through my soul. Yep, it’s the jewel we all have inside of us.
I do believe God speaks from inside of me which translates to my intuition. And I also believe God speaks to me on the outside in the form of synchronicity.

I am not afraid to show Him my weaknesses.
Because each moment of each day contains messages from God. Oh, I am listening!
And He reminds me that I am more than anyone can see. Oh, I believe!
To love is human. And in this crazy world, sometimes there is pain and yet to still love despite the pain – angelic for sure.
Oh some of you might be saying, there is some heaviness in what I am writing today – Some will only understand as much as they see and hear.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie