Saturday Sip Sip

Saturday Sip Sip

No silly, not wine (that was last night)!
But seriously, morning coffee on the patio is so …… beyond words!
It’s so funny to watch the squirrels on the fence top, it’s a little game of ‘who moves first’ between them and Riley.
Thank goodness they are smart enough to stay on the fence when we sit out here, but they do like to play chase with him.
What is it about morning time out on the patio ……
I could spend hours out here, oh wait …… I do!
The overwhelming power of joy. It’s not what everyone else tells you it is, nope ……
It’s what you say it is. You know, set your own intention.
I invite, received and enjoy ‘joy’.
Sitting out on the patio, hot coffee and Riley by my side.
Of course I give thought to the day ahead and yet for me that will come a little later.  I enjoy the present, the subtle noises of nature, ( I often wonder just how many different birds are chirping)  and then I thank them for their morning songs. Some come by just to have a little looksy and then move on while others stay for awhile.
Why yes there are times when I feel other emotions besides joy. Everyone has moments of sadness, illness or fear. Life is not picture patio perfect all the time. And when these emotions are running through me, I acknowledge them as well. I may not like it, but I know I can’t move past it without acknowledgement. I know it doesn’t define me.
And like you, I prefer to walk in the light and yet moments of dark seems to raise my spiritual awareness that they both exists.
So as I finish my morning coffee on the patio, the breeze starts to roll in, the wind chimes take over for the birds and the Sun glistens through the trees, my stomach is asking, ‘what’s for breakfast’?
Oh Saturday Sip Sip, you are the best!

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie
