Season Greetings, Sunday

Season Greetings, Sunday.

As the countdown to Christmas continues, there is so much nostalgia that fills our home. And a walk around the neighborhood last night looking at all the lights and decorations …… brings back so many memories. Add in a little hot chocolate, beyond for sure! (So I can walk and drink at the same time) HoHoHo!
This Sunday brings another chilly morning and my little Riley has definitely gone into ‘hibernation’ mode. Our roles were reversed and it was my turn to wake o’ sleepy head up!
It’s the season!
Oh, I have a feeling he will perk up for our walk before the games start.  As long as the Cowboys are still in the ‘hunt’, we be very happy!
And with all the excitement and busyness of this season, I hope that you remember just how important You are. For most, the excitement of the season is filled with joy and laughter and yet it can also be a stressful and a sad time …… Be Kind. To others and yourself.
 I believe our kindness is a window to our soul.
Take time to relax, enjoy silly Christmas shows, watch a little (or a lotta) football, listen to Christmas music, snuggle with your furry socks and slippers, your favorite blankie and always give thanks to God.

The world is a big and sometimes harsh place. Our own unique light is needed to keep the lights on and sparkling past this holiday season and carry us through to the new year! And remember, a little ‘hibernation’ mode is good for everyone! Slay the holidays, in your own unique way. You are the gift!
Season Greetings, Sunday.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for filling my heart with joy and love. May we all remember to hold space in our heart for everyone. Amen.