See the Rainbow

See the Rainbow …… Feel the Rainbow!

The choices I make, the actions I take, and how I respond in life, have all become the chapters in my book of life.

I keep adding new chapters and hope to for a very very long time!

I see the rainbow,


I feel the rainbow too!

It’s about LOVE, JOY and GRACE!

In the midst of everything.

Oh yeah, life confronts me with some daunting and scary things. And when I take the time to go back and re-read those chapters, I see they were blessings in disguise.

Of course at the time, I did not think so ……

There are only two ways to live your life. One is that nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.  (Albert Einstein)

See the rainbow, feel the rainbow!

I will place my rainbow in the clouds, to be a sign of my promise to the earth.  (Genesis 9:13)

You have heard me say this before and I believe it to my core …… we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

So yeah, I go back and re-read chapters of my own life. And yes, some are full of those daunting and scary moments when you feel so challenged that you think you just may drown.

And then there are those chapters when it’s like drifting on that large catamaran with the warm sun surrounding your soul. And all you can think about is, how peaceful and happy life is, and the wonders of nature that is all around you.

(My angel and rainbow of life)

So you see ……

The choices I make, the actions I take, and how I respond in life, have all become chapters in my book of life.

Yep, there is a beginning and an end …… with lots and lots of chapters. And I believe this book is co-written by God. So rejoice, you get to fill in all the wonderful pages of your life. How cool is that!

I have responsibilities, I have choices and I can take actions!

I write today about LOVE, JOY and GRACE but it goes so far beyond that.


So yep,

See the rainbow, feel the rainbow.

Look up, see the rainbow …… feel the rainbow.


Riley the Scottie

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