Sempiternal Saturday, y’all

Sempiternal Saturday, y’all!

Oh yeah, I woke up today with that extra little giddy-up in my step. I wanted to start dancing even before my cup of joe ……
Not so unusual Riley would say if he could talk,  yes I can read his look and that face says it all!
When you know …… you just know.
Well of course I have a little extra giddy-up in my step, we have finally seen the first glimpse of Fall, me likey.
You’ve heard it before …… its not happy people who are thankful, its thankful people who are happy, BOOM!
So after watching a beautiful sunrise on the patio with my bestie and then a morning walk in the hood …… yep, I am so ready for a day of football.
Go Longhorns!
Oh what a glorious day the Lord has made.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God, thank you for filling my heart with your love and power. I see Your excellence and power in everything I do. Amen.