September Home

September Home
There is nothing better than waking up and welcoming a new month.
I love cozy cloudy mornings at home.
I love my home!
I have always believed that we should love our homes. It doesn’t need to be the biggest, or be magazine worthy, oh no, it just needs to represent you.
Even before retirement, I always wanted to create a homey home. And of course now that I spend time at home, it has become more significant. I believe our sub-conscious reacts to our space.
Just like negative thoughts affect our mental being, keeping an organized and calming home disperses positive vibes. Well at least for me.
The feeling I get is what motivates me to clean up those dirty dishes in the sink, vacuum the floors and yes clean the windows. Well, Riley’s little nose prints are a factor too!
So yeah, even if I may feel a little tired, there is always motivation to tend to my home, because being home is a feeling not a place and it feels mighty special today.
I don’t feel guilty or selfish (and either should you) about wanting to create a home that you really love.
I am definitely not a minimalist although I don’t believe that having pretty things makes a person materialistic. I like order and purpose. I like reassessing and eliminating (occasional purging) things. And yes at times it is still hard to throw or donate items but admit it is becoming easier.
And then there are times when it’s nothing but some reading and relaxing all day with Riley by my side. I don’t try to judge or understand why. I accept the contentment and joy that is. Some find solitude as a punishment instead of a choice. I was made for ‘sheltering-at-home’ way before the pandemic forced it for many.
Plus, I am never ‘really’ alone.

Do you ever just sit quietly in a room? It could be a small room, a corner somewhere or even the main room of your home. It’s not important the size, it’s the time and space where your mind quiets and your soul rests.
Clear my mind, accept what is and feel the joy to express my gratitude for this amazing life! It’s being home on a cloudy morning welcoming a new month.
September Home

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie