Set your Soul on Fire!



Good morning y’all,

Let’s set your soul on fire today!

Turn up the volume, then close your eyes and set your soul on fire …..

  • Start your day with a grateful heart
  • Take time to really smell the aroma of your morning cup of coffee
  • Make a fire in fireplace today
  • Take time to read your favorite book today
  • Think positive thoughts
  • Make someone laugh today,(until their belly hurts)
  • Hug your dog
  • Dance Dance Dance
  • Write a love note to your soul mate
  • Make some apple cider sangria
  • Watch come college football

Do what makes you happy. Whether you are alone,  with family,  or friends ………. Do what makes you happy.

Feed your heart, light your soul on Fire!

Are you a glass half full or half empty person …… well it doesn’t really matter ….. what matters  is that you have something in your glass ……. (like maybe some apple cider sangria) Ha!

Oh sure we can all feel a little (or a lot) down, depressed or negative …. at times ……. why yes,  I have my moments too! Who doesn’t, right…….

But then I pick myself up, smell the aroma of the coffee, hug my little Scottie and adjust the lens (more like clean the lens) of my glasses and remember something my mother told me,

It’s never too late to change your life. A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. Keep your faith, adjust your focus and nothing is worth it if you are not happy.

  • Be Kind
  • Be Courageous
  • Be Strong
  • Be Happy


At the end of the day, remember what made your soul feel warm.

The most powerful thing there is, is a human soul on fire!

Set your Soul on Fire!

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??

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