Sisters Sisters Sisters

To My Fabulous Sister!
To My Fabulous Sister!

Hi y’all!

I have to start off today wishing one of my dear sisters a Happy Birthday! Love her, miss her and always keep her in my heart.

If you have been reading my posts then you know that I come from a big family ……. and, I love this quote from Michel J. Fox,  ‘Family isn’t an important thing, it’s everything‘.

I have so many wonderful stories throughout my life and some of the most memorable are the ones I share with my sisters. There has always been a special bond between us ….. and, always will be.

Sometimes it’s hard to explain it ……

  • We can be miles apart and yet always by each other’s side.
  • Friends may come and go …… my sisters will always be there.
  • We are so much alike ……. yet so different.
  • If I am the right foot ……… my sister is the left foot.
  • When I feel pain ……….. my sisters feels pain.
  • When I feel happiness and joy ……… my sisters feels happiness and joy.
  • I am never alone …….. my sisters are always by my side.

Sisters make the perfect best friend, sisters hear each other without saying a word,  and sisters always have your back!

I have been truly blessed to have my sisters in my life. We have been there for each other in happy times and sad times, rain or shine ……… sisters are for Life.

Of course we argue, we fight, we even stop talking to each other at times but in the end ………. we are sisters for Life!

Our lives may often taken different paths …………. but, we remain sisters for Life!

Sisters know stuff about each other that no one else does ……… we are sisters for Life!

I have also experience the loss of a sister. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal but our love for each other leaves memories that no one can take.

My mother taught me all about the power of love, happiness, faith and courage. And my sisters and I made her a promise that we would always show love, spread happiness, never lose faith and have courage for whatever life throws at us.

If I had to choose my sisters all over again ……… I would choose them all over again and again and again.

A part of my soul is instantly warm when I think of my sisters. We are often separated by miles but are always in each others heart.

So I will end by saying again, Happy Birthday dear sister, I love you!

I will continue to walk down memory lane because I know you will always be there with me!

Of course Riley sends his love to you today too!??search

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