SleighBells Saturday, December 16th

SleighBells Saturday, December 16th.
The sounds of Jingle Jingle woke me up this morning, wait what; did I leave music playing all night …… oh no, it’s Riley with his Christmas collar on. Oops, I forgot to take it off last night! Come to think of it, it was a pretty funny way to wake up. A beautiful Scotty dog staring at me, jingle and all.
The gorgeous sun is back and our morning walk was spectacular.
Oh yes, the Christmas spirit has been ignited in our home and our hearts.
It’s the perfect time to pause and reflect.
And it’s the perfect time to let the season inspire you. Like a magical wand that spreads over us with the glow of happiness!
Oh I believe!
What is it about the glow of the Christmas tree. You can’t but smile.
And then of course all the food and drinks that make this season special. Why yes, I am dreaming of a white Christmas …… but if that runs out, I’ll drink the red!
But don’t worry, I will pass you some spirits …… whiskey, vodka and fireball are all on hand!
Like I say, Let it snow …… somewhere else!
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Anyone who knows me, knows I will wrap for wine.
One Two Tree!
Oh, I’m feeling pine.
Just hanging out with my ornaments and Riley.
Wait there’s Myrrh too.
So as the sleigh bells ring, me and the Christmas tree are getting lit!
(I know all these puns are Kringle-inducing), Ha!
SleighBells Saturday!