Soul to Soul Sunday



Soul to Soul Sunday!
Soul to Soul

Good morning y’all,

No matter where you are in your life …… people who are meant to be together will always find each other.

  • Your soul mate will always bring out the best in you.
  • Your soul mate will take on the world with you.
  • Your soul mate will make you laugh, a lot a lot.
  • Your soul mate does not keep score.
  • Your soul mate  forgives.
  • Your soul mate makes your knees weak.
  • Your soul mate understands you,  even in silence.

There are people that come in to out of your life and sometimes you can’t explain why but you know you have a deeper connection with them than you can ever explain. Soul mates come into our lives and make us feel at peace with the world. Soul mates support our dreams (even if they may not understand them).

Soul mates are like finding an old friend. You laugh, you share things, you enjoy being around each other.

  • Soul mates – you can spend the whole day with them and miss them the second they leave.
  • Soul mates – Have each other’s back.
  • Soul mates – Never stop showing you how much you mean to them.
  • Soul mates – Anchor each other.

Relationships are a beautiful thing. Not all relationships are pure physical. When you connect with someone on a much deeper level you see them, hear them and feel them in your soul. You find a part of you in them.

Make it a great Soul to Soul Sunday.

Be Kind.

Be Loving.

Light some candles with your Soulmate tonight!

Warm your soul and warm the soul of others.

Riley and I send you love and kindness and we’d love to hear from y’all, Woof Woof. ??




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