Sparkle & Shine Saturday

 Sparkle & Shine Saturday!

Oh, I could go so many ways with Sparkle & Shine …… and it’s Saturday too!
Well, truth be told, I did do some house cleaning and yes, it is sparkle & shine inside my nest and guess what, also inside of me!
I have never looked at house cleaning and organizing as a project, it’s most definitely a life-style.  I have been called a little ‘regimented’, (regarding my house cleaning routine), HaHa, oh my ……  I’ll take it!
I thank God each day that I get to witness another day and I most certainly thank Him for all my blessings. I will never take anything for granted.
Speaking of blessings, we got so much rain last night that everything outside is having a sparkle & shine moment! Green looks so good. We were starting one of our ‘drought’ seasons, so the rain was a much welcome event. And a little break for our hard working sprinklers, BooYah!
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There is something about summer rain. Heck, even Riley was running around in it last night. Barking at the thunder …… He most definitely had his ‘Big Boy’ collar on! I watched him from the patio as he ran around until he was completely soaked. For once he did not want to come in, but as soon as I pull out his towel, he knows, it’s time.
A summer-time thunderstorm …… good for all souls!
Oh,  I interpret the energies all around. God provides them to nourish earth and feed our souls. I have always been a glass ‘half full’ kind of girl. Even when trials and tribulations occur and they will, I find my refuge in my faith because I know God is always with me. 

There is always so much more to be grateful for.
It’s kinda funny, the longer I live, the more I recognize the ones who seem to always find a negative take on …… well, just about …… everything.
My bible provides clarity. It’s not full of fuzzy guidelines to follow only when I feel like it.
We’re prone to selfishness, struggle, and pride. Yet God desires that our eyes be set firmly on Him, because that’s where our true hope is found.

I believe God intervenes in my life daily.
And, I have found, in whatsoever state I am, I will be content.My faith in God has deepened exponentially. He is the light that makes me sparkle and shine.
It’s Sparkle & Shine Saturday!
Blessings from our nest to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie