Still Counting

Still counting

Every morning, noon and night ……

What are you counting …… you may ask?

My blessings, for sure.

What a better way to start Saturday morning ……

Coffee in hand on the patio helps of course,  teehee!

Life continues to have its surprises ……

Always has Always will

It’s funny what you hear …… when you listen.

I now only glimpse in the rear-view mirror as a reminder, to keep looking forward.

Things look so much better in panoramic settings for me …… boo yah! (Try It)

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34)

I hope you take some time today and everyday to count your blessings. I hope you know that you are special.

We all wrestle with life challenges. Spiritual discipline is not always easy and at times may be down right challenging. Yet, I know that living a healthy life of love, kindness and grace will not make life perfect ……. it will make life worth living. My faith in God is priceless.

Join us for a first-class flight today. We would be blessed to have you, for sure. So buckle up …… Nothing but clear skies and love on this flight.❤

Keep counting!

Love from me & Riley.


Riley the Scottie

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