Sunday and Sunshine

Sunday and Sunshine
Two of my favorite things and when you add in a little Eddie …… life is amazing!
We were up early as usual to welcome the sunrise.
Morning coffee and a nice healthy breakfast is a Sunday must!
A little time spent looking out the windows as the birds and squirrels run around and Eddie growls as the joggers run by.
Our morning routine is coming along nicely.
Wait, what’s happening …… oh yeah – off to the pool for a little exercise and refueling of my soul.
Yep, it’s going to be another scorcher of a day, hence – early pool time today!
I see a bit of ice cream in my near future.
Hey, might as well buy one more tub of the good stuff to end the season.
Of course our hot days are not going away anytime soon, but no matter what, September does signify the summer season is ending soon and pool days will be no more.
Except then I get to look forward to our Fall season, with all kinds of different things to do to refuel, reflect and celebrate.
And Boooooo becomes part of our happy dance!
But today continues to unfold nicely.
Something about swimming and soaking up the sun on a Sunday – pinch me!
Who knows maybe an afternoon movie and an afternoon nap will show up, I think Eddie has started without me.
So as the heat turns up outside, we will stay inside and savor these moments. My heart is full of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings of my life.
And I know for sure that this evening will be another beautiful one with the full moon above us and the stars sparkling.
Sunday and Sunshine.