Sunday, December 3rd

Sunday, December 3rd!

So I think Riley knew I wrote about how he was ‘chill’ boy outside yesterday morning. Today, he has been very busy chasing squirrels and it’s fun to watch.
This isn’t just any Sunday …… we won’t have it again.
Why yes, the skies are so blue, the sun is shining while it is melting the light frost from over night. Slippers and my robe are definitely needed.
For me, it’s another slow gentle start to the day.
I made blueberry muffins last night and am a little embarrassed that I ate 3 of them. Oh I couldn’t stop at 2. Nope, they were warm and soft with a little crunchiness on top. To my defense, the last one was the smallest!
All with a cup of hot chocolate …… wait what ……
yep, I am in total ‘winter’ mode around here.
And very happy about it.
Slow and gentle …… says the girl who can eat 3 blueberry muffins, Ha!
But in all seriousness, Sundays in December that start like this one is to be treasured.
It’s a very special time to just be.
Never taking for granted the beauty of the Christmas lights and decor. Finding meaning and peace in my own life.
I always take time for stillness and just be. And yet doing it surrounded by our Christmas tree  fills me with a different kind of joy. The universe is so big and vast which isn’t scary to me. Nope, it makes me feel strong and hopeful.
It’s part of the wonder blocks of life. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so make the most of today, I know, I know …… sounds so cliche. And yet, so simple!
So yeah,
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas  Sunday!

Co-Pilot, Riley
the Scottie