Sunday Evening Post

Sunday Evening Post
I hope you have the opportunity to sit back, relax and soak in the beautiful surroundings on this first Sunday in November.
Kinda crazy, it’s November already. Feels like we just said goodbye to summer and now I am already enjoying cozy and comfy nights. Lots of candles glowing and music filling our home.
Why yes, our home is my haven.
Because we all need one.
The place where no matter what kind of day you had, it brings you back to center and creates the balance we all need for a joyful life.
And since no two people are alike, what is my haven may be different than yours. Sometimes it may be hard for people to understand the need for solidarity. It’s not about being anti-social or snobby. It’s about finding the thing’s that nourishes one soul.
For some it might be walking through a park or the woods. Or it might be driving down the highway with no destination in mind. Both sound pretty amazing.
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The backdrop of my own backyard is another favorite spot for me and Riley. He’s daring the squirrels to come out and I am enjoying the beautiful sky and love seeing the different types of birds that fly above.
I see their unique patterns and many times as they land on fence post and greet me, I feel it’s a special sign. Many may see just a bird, but I know better.

Oh, I still love being productive. In fact organizing and changing up my decor is still something that resonates with me. Just like the seasons change, a little refresh inside our home provides comfort, peace and a calming environment.
My favorite color palette remains neutral so moving things around is pretty simple. Did you know …… Moving furniture and things actually breathes new life into a room.
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Some candles, some classical music and I think I hear Riley snoring already!
Such a sweet little boy, for sure.
Sunday evening blessings from our home to yours.