Sunday Garden

Oh Sunday Garden,

how beautiful you are!

A brisk morning breeze, the sun poking out, fresh dew on the grass and colors of Fall all around ……

Oh my!

Mornings can be the best time to relax in the garden.
What’s in your garden?

The garden of your life, the garden of your mind and the garden of your soul.

Riley is definitely one of the gardens of my life and so are my plants. Both respond to my love and attention and both bring so much joy.

And I do try to guard the garden of my mind. It’s important to remember I have the power to choose my thoughts and what I plant in my garden.

 I remind myself daily that the negative thoughts of others have no roots here. They are forbidden seeds for sure.
I now know that what I focus my mind on cultivates my soul. And my mind is always focused on Jesus Christ and the life of blessings God has provided.

It’s not a boring, repetitive way of life;  planting, watering, cultivating and loving …… nothing boring here!

The garden changes, indeed.  I am the keeper of my garden, I am here to explore and build my garden. To let it grow and understand the beauty of it all. I know what a blessing it is and I know that it’s my own Eden here on earth.

What’s in your garden?

After all, you are the gardener of it. Plant your seeds accordingly.


Blessings from our home to yours.

Riley the Scottie