Sunday Grace

Sunday Grace

Every Sunday morning feels like a little holiday for me. Waking up next to my little fur baby, his paw tapping me ever so gently, his eyes willing me to get up and oh yes, that little wet nose grazing my arm.
As I sip my morning coffee in my favorite ‘prayer’ chair and listen to Sunday service on-line, oh my ….. it’s all about the grace of God.
I close my eyes, I breathe in and I thank God for all my blessings.
It’s ironic that for many weeks, I wanted back what life use to be like (pre-pandemic), and now I think not. My faith has always been strong and yet I feel it is now …… busting at the seams. Life will not be the same and I am grateful for that.
His grace sets me free!
I know that many may not feel it or see it that way.
But we do live in a free country. We are free to express ourselves, by wearing a mask or not. We are free to express our opinions and stand up for equality and justice. We are free to get up everyday and build a better life for families and love ones.
We are free by the grace of God.

And I know that some may say, sports are canceled or delayed, schools are canceled or delayed, heck most of our outside celebrations have been canceled or delay, so it doesn’t feel like we are free at all.
Look around people. The grace of God is here for me and you.
I am quarantine with Jesus
And once you receive it, you will feel it permeate throughout your entire being.
For me, it seeps out of my pores and is the driving force of my being. It’s the light inside, for sure!

We are free.
I will not focus on all the things that are bad in our country. I believe this is the greatest country to live in, (love me some Texas) and I am so grateful that I get to wake up everyday healthy, joyful and full of hopes and dreams about my future!
My sisters are here and I know that although our sister time looks a little different this year we are still making new memories and are planning for even more, post-pandemic.
I have always been driven and have had a sense of curiosity to figure things out. I will enjoy this time in my life and the world as it is now, because the future is bright by the grace of God!

My hope is that you feel the grace of God and are grateful to be alive, wherever you are.
Blessings from our home to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie

Dear God,  thank you for each day that we get to wake up with our health and our hopes and dreams. May we never forget how blessed we are.