Sunday Kind of Love

Good morning, y’all.

Sundays are the Best!

Today is so special,

oh, for so many reasons ……

It’s my sister’s birthday …… booyah!

Attending Sunday services with family …… Hallelujah!

Sunday lunch with family …… Blessed!

We woke up to a gorgeous day here in Texas …… Thankful!

Plenty of Football and Baseball to watch later …… Oh My!

Definitely will squeeze in a little nap time with Riley …… Sweet!

It’s a Sunday Kind of Love!!

God’s Grace is a gift. It’s precious and priceless. Don’t waste it. Because of my faith,

I am All In.

He shows me how I am supposed to live, how I am supposed to be.

The ups and downs of life, but a life worth living for sure.

Oh, I did not always think this way. I struggled with my faith, like many. And then, it happened,

I went All In.

God’s Grace, not deserved …… yet given to me. Set me free. Free to be Free. His light lives in me, fills my soul and warms my heart. And, if he can do this for a little girl from Iowa, whoa!

It’s a Sunday Kind of Love!

Blessings from our family to yours.

Co-pilot, Riley
the Scottie



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