Sunday Lighthouse

Sunday Lighthouse 

Standing strong, always ‘Lit’, (different strokes for sure), and nothing but Love! 
Oh, I love love love Sundays. 
And no, there is not a drop of ‘Baileys’ in my coffee this Sunday, but there is a whole lotta love, love love. 
You know, like a Lighthouse …… standing tall, standing strong and standing silently blessing the day with love.
Oh, yes it’s a state of ‘being’. 
The light is always on!
The Fall season is tapping on the door with football games to watch once more. 
No doubt 2020 has been anything but normal …… but then again …… what is normal? 
Who are we/I? 
Our choices, for sure. 
‘I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become, (Carl Jung). 
Sunday’s for me ……
hunker down, find my intellectual stimulation and spiritual practices and appreciate my own rhythm. 
Just like a Lighthouse! 
Blessings from our home to yours. 